CtrlP Managed Print Services https://controlprint.net.in Managed Print Services Fri, 23 Feb 2024 09:56:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.5 https://controlprint.net.in/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/cropped-CtrlP-Site-Icon-32x32.png CtrlP Managed Print Services https://controlprint.net.in 32 32 The Crucial Role of Customer Support in Managed Print Solutions https://controlprint.net.in/mastering-print-performance-the-crucial-role-of-customer-support-in-managed-print-solutions/ Fri, 23 Feb 2024 09:43:16 +0000 https://controlprint.net.in/?p=3263

At the heart of any successful MPS deployment lies robust and reliable customer support. Why? Because no matter how advanced the technology or how meticulously crafted the strategy, issues will inevitably arise.

Printers may encounter technical glitches, consumables may run out unexpectedly, or users may require assistance navigating new software interfaces.

In such moments, the quality of customer support provided by the MPS vendor becomes paramount.

Timely assistance, expert troubleshooting, and proactive maintenance can mean the difference between a minor hiccup and a major operational setback.

Overview of Managed Print Solutions (MPS) and Its Benefits:

Managed Print Solutions encompass a range of services designed to streamline print management and optimize print infrastructure within an organization.

These services typically include:

  1. Assessment and Optimization:
    • Identify print inefficiencies.
    • Optimize hardware, software, and workflows.
    • Increase cost savings and productivity.
  2. Proactive Monitoring and Maintenance:
    • Continuously monitor print infrastructure.
    • Prevent major issues before they occur.
    • Minimize downtime through proactive maintenance.
  3. Supply Management:
    • Automatically replenish consumables.
    • Eliminate manual inventory management.
    • Ensure uninterrupted printing with constant supplies.
  4. Cost Control:
    • Consolidate print infrastructure.
    • Optimize print usage.
    • Provide transparent pricing for budget predictability.
  5. Security Enhancement:
    • Implement robust security protocols.
    • Protect against cyber threats.
    • Maintain data integrity with secure printing practices.

In the following sections, we will delve deeper into the significance of reliable customer support in ensuring the smooth operation of print infrastructure and maximizing the benefits of MPS for businesses.

The Significance of Reliable Customer Service:

In the realm of Managed Print Solutions (MPS), the significance of reliable customer service cannot be overstated. It serves as the backbone of a smooth-running print environment, directly impacting business operations, efficiency, and ultimately, the bottom line.

Impact of Printer Downtime on Business Operations:

Printer downtime can bring business operations to a grinding halt. Every minute spent waiting for a malfunctioning printer to be fixed translates to lost productivity, missed deadlines, and frustrated employees. Tasks that rely on printed documents, such as contracts, reports, or presentations, are delayed, hindering critical workflows and potentially jeopardizing client relationships.

How Reliable Customer Support Minimizes Downtime and Maximizes Efficiency:

  • Reliable customer support acts as a beacon of hope during printer downtime.
  • Responsive assistance from MPS providers swiftly resolves issues, minimizing downtime.
  • Expert support encompasses troubleshooting technical glitches, diagnosing hardware malfunctions, and replenishing supplies.
  • Prompt support ensures disruptions are kept to a minimum, allowing operations to resume quickly.
  • Beyond troubleshooting, customer support includes proactive measures like preventive maintenance and ongoing monitoring.
  • Proactive approach identifies and addresses potential issues before they escalate.
  • By minimizing downtime and maximizing efficiency, businesses can operate smoothly without interruption.

Key Components of Exceptional Customer Support:

  1. Responsive Communication Channels:
    • It ensures that concerns are addressed promptly.
    • Dedicated support teams are readily available via phone, email, and live chat for quick responses and solutions.
    • It is easily accessible, minimizing downtime and maintaining operational continuity.
  2. Expert Technical Assistance:
    • Expert technical assistance from skilled professionals ensures efficient issue resolution.
    • Support teams comprise certified technicians with extensive experience in diagnosing and troubleshooting printer-related problems.
    • Whether it’s software configuration, hardware repairs, or network troubleshooting, experts are equipped to resolve issues promptly.
  3. Proactive Maintenance and Monitoring:
    • It prevent issues before they occur.
    • It identify and address potential issues preemptively.
    • By staying ahead of problems, downtime is minimized, and the continuous operation of print environments is ensured.
  4. Tailored Solutions and Customization:
    • Tailored solutions and customization options cater to unique business requirements.
    • Solutions are aligned with specific needs, whether for small businesses or large enterprises.
    • From customizing print settings to integrating specialized software, solutions are tailored to maximize efficiency and productivity.
  5. Accessibility and Availability:
    • Accessibility and availability ensure support is always within reach.
    • Support services are available round-the-clock, with 24/7 access to support teams for urgent issues.
    • Whether facing a problem at any time, companies can rely on timely assistance, fostering peace of mind and operational reliability.

Benefits Beyond Troubleshooting: Understanding the Comprehensive Support Ecosystem

  1. Training and Onboarding Assistance:
    • Comprehensive support extends beyond issue resolution to encompass training and onboarding assistance.
    • Training programs ensure users are proficient in utilizing print infrastructure effectively.
    • Onboarding assistance facilitates smooth integration of new technologies into existing workflows, minimizing disruptions and maximizing productivity from the outset.
  2. Software Integration and Optimization:
    • Comprehensive support includes software integration and optimization services.
    • Integration ensures seamless compatibility between print infrastructure and existing software systems, enhancing workflow efficiency.
    • Optimization maximizes the performance of software applications, improving overall productivity and user experience.
  3. Strategic Consultation for Printer Fleet Management:
    • Expert support offers strategic consultation for printer fleet management.
    • Consultation services assess current printer fleet configurations, identify optimization opportunities, and develop tailored strategies to streamline print management processes.
    • Strategic guidance helps businesses optimize print fleet performance, reduce costs, and enhance operational efficiency.
  4. Scalability and Flexibility in Service Offerings:
    • Comprehensive support offers scalability and flexibility in service offerings to adapt to evolving business needs.
    • Scalable solutions accommodate growth and changes in print infrastructure requirements, ensuring continued support as businesses expand.
    • Flexible service offerings allow customization of support plans based on specific needs, providing tailored solutions that align with business objectives and budgetary constraints.

Choosing the Right MPS Provider: Evaluating Customer Support Capabilities

When selecting a Managed Print Solutions (MPS) provider, evaluating their customer support capabilities is paramount.

Exceptional customer support ensures smooth operation of your print environment and minimizes disruptions to your business operations.

Here’s how to assess and evaluate the customer support capabilities of potential MPS vendors:

Questions to Ask Potential MPS Vendors About Their Customer Support:

  • What channels of communication do you offer for customer support?
  • What is your average response time for addressing customer inquiries or issues?
  • Do you provide dedicated support representatives for each client?
  • What level of technical expertise do your support staff possess?
  • How do you handle escalations for more complex issues?
  • Do you offer proactive maintenance and monitoring services?
  • Can you provide examples of how your customer support has resolved critical issues for other clients?
  • How do you ensure ongoing training and support for users of the print infrastructure?

Assessing Track Record and Customer Testimonials:

  • Research the MPS provider’s track record by reviewing case studies and customer testimonials.
  • Look for testimonials from clients who have experienced firsthand the level of customer support provided by the MPS vendor.
  • Consider reaching out to existing clients for direct feedback on their experiences with the provider’s customer support.

By asking the right questions, researching the provider’s track record, and reviewing SLAs and guarantees, you can confidently evaluate the customer support capabilities of potential MPS vendors. 

A provider with strong customer support capabilities will not only address your immediate needs but also serve as a reliable partner in supporting your long-term print management objectives.

By partnering with a reliable MPS provider that offers exceptional customer support, businesses can empower themselves to thrive in today’s competitive landscape.

With a trusted service partner by their side, businesses can navigate the complexities of print management with confidence, knowing that their print infrastructure is in capable hands.

From proactive maintenance to strategic consultation, reliable service partners enable businesses to focus on their core operations while leveraging the full potential of their print environment.

In conclusion, the decision to invest in seamless support for optimal print performance is a strategic one that can have a profound impact on the efficiency, productivity, and success of your business. 

By prioritizing customer support and partnering with a reliable service provider, businesses can unlock new levels of efficiency and position themselves for growth in the digital age.

Transform Your Print Infrastructure with MPS

Contact us today to discover how our Managed Print Solutions can empower your business for success!"
Get A Consultation

OEM vs. CtrlP: Decoding Your Ideal Printing Partner https://controlprint.net.in/oem-vs-ctrlp-decoding-your-ideal-printing-partner/ Mon, 12 Feb 2024 12:56:49 +0000 https://controlprint.net.in/?p=3254

In the world of printers, there’s a heavyweight contender known as the Original Equipment Manufacturer, or OEM.

Picture OEM as the big brand, the top-tier player in the game, offering printers that come with a certain allure – a blend of quality and brand prestige.

However, as we step into the realm of managed print services, it becomes clear that there’s more to the story than just a brand name. While OEMs shine with their top-notch quality, there are nuances to consider. This journey takes us to explore the alternative: CtrlP, a player with a different approach to managing your printing needs.

So, buckle up as we unravel the strengths, drawbacks, and distinctive features of OEMs and CtrlP, shedding light on which path might be the ideal fit for your printing adventure.

Cracking the Code: What’s the Deal with OEM?

OEM, Simply Put:

OEM stands for Original Equipment Manufacturer. In everyday language, an OEM is the company that creates and builds a product, like printers. They’re the ones responsible for designing and making both the physical parts and sometimes the software that makes the product work.

No need for cricket match comparisons here – think of the OEM as the chief architect behind the scenes, making sure everything in the product works seamlessly.

Now, if you decide to go for an OEM printer or their services, it’s like choosing to follow the creator’s original plan. It sounds good, right? Well, there are some perks, but it’s not all smooth sailing.

The Pros:

  • Quality Assurance: OEM printers are like the gold standard. You can trust that they’re made with precision, guaranteeing top-notch prints.
  • Perfect Compatibility: Since the OEM designed both the hardware and software, everything fits together perfectly. No worries about things not working together.
  • Warranty Bliss: OEMs often provide solid warranties, like having a helpful guide ready to fix any issues.

The Cons:

  • The Price Tag: Like a front-row seat at a popular movie, OEM printers can be pricey. You’re paying for top-notch quality and the brand name.
  • Limited Choices: It’s like going to a restaurant with only one dish on the menu. With OEM, your choices might be a bit limited compared to other options.
  • Rigidity in Service: If you run into a problem, you might have to stick to the OEM’s service – like being tied to one support style, even if you’d prefer another.
  • Slow to Respond: Responses from OEMs may be slower, impacting the speed at which issues are addressed.
  • Rigid Terms and Policies: OEMs can have inflexible terms and policies, making it challenging to adapt services to your specific needs.
  • Frequent Change of Relationship Manager: Dealing with a frequent change of relationship managers can lead to inconsistency and communication challenges.
  • No Service on on Weekends: Some OEMs may not provide service on weekends, potentially causing disruptions if issues arise during that time.
  • Less Customization, Offer Only Standard Packages: OEMs might offer less customization, providing only standard packages that may not align with the unique requirements of your business.
  • Limited to Single Brand: Being tied to a single brand may limit your ability to explore diverse solutions that could better suit your evolving needs.

So, while going with an OEM is like having a star player on your team, it might not suit everyone. Next up, we’ll check out CtrlP’s approach, where the game might take an interesting turn.

Comparative Analysis

Choosing between an MPS provider can be tricky, and the differences between large OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturers) and smaller, private providers are significant.

Here’s a breakdown of their strengths and weaknesses to help you decide:


Aspect OEM CtrlP
Cost Comparison
Upfront Costs High upfront costs akin to premium products Competitive pricing without compromising quality
Total Cost of Ownership Initial investment can lead to added costs Transparent and budget-friendly total cost
Cost-Effectiveness Over the Long Term Brand name may not always justify long-term costs Long-term partnerships offer enduring cost-effectiveness
Service Level Agreements (SLAs) OEM CtrlP
Response Time Larger entities may have slower response times Quick, responsive, and proactive service
Resolution Time Resolving issues may take time, impacting workflow Swift and efficient issue resolution
Availability of Support Support processes might be complex Clear and readily available support paths
Customization and Flexibility OEM CtrlP
Tailoring Services to Specific Business Needs Limited customization options Tailors services to fit unique business requirements

So, who wins the printer printer-palooza: OEM or CtrlP?

Alright folks, we’ve reached the final round of our MPS showdown! Let’s recap the main bout:

In one corner, the OEMs:

Strengths: Brand familiarity, technical expertise, one-stop shop for printers and supplies.

Weaknesses: High costs, vendor lock-in, limited flexibility, not always cost-effective for long-term needs.

In the other corner, the nimble ninjas of CtrlP:

Strengths: Cost savings, vendor neutrality, customization options, focus on efficiency and user experience, environmentally conscious approach.

Weaknesses: May not have the same brand recognition as OEMs, building trust with new clients takes time.

Winner by knockout? Well, that depends on your needs!

Think of OEMs like your neighborhood printer repairwala – good for quick fixes and familiar brands. But if you’re looking for long-term savings, flexibility, and a more strategic approach to printing, CtrlP is your friendly neighborhood printing superhero!

Introduction to CtrlP’s Managed Print Services:

Meet CtrlP, your go-to ally in the realm of Managed Print Services (MPS). CtrlP isn’t just a service provider; it’s the backbone of seamless printing solutions designed to simplify your life and boost your business efficiency.

CtrlP’s Role in Managed Printer Services:

CtrlP wears many hats in the world of printers. From maintaining the health of your printing infrastructure to understanding and meeting your specific business needs, CtrlP is the expert at ensuring your printers run smoothly.

It’s like having a reliable friend who knows everything about printing and is always ready to lend a helping hand.

Key Features and Benefits Offered by CtrlP:

  • Tailored Solutions: CtrlP doesn’t believe in one-size-fits-all. They tailor their services to match the unique requirements of your business, providing solutions that align perfectly with your goals.
  • Cost-Effective Printing: Say goodbye to budget worries. CtrlP delivers cost-effective solutions without compromising on print quality, ensuring that your printing processes are efficient and economical.
  • Responsive Support: Printer troubles? CtrlP’s support team is quick to respond and resolve any issues, ensuring minimal downtime and keeping your operations running smoothly.
  • Future-Ready Technology: CtrlP doesn’t just keep up with the times; it leads the way. By integrating cutting-edge technology, CtrlP ensures that your printing setup is not only current but also prepared for the innovations of tomorrow.
  • Eco-Friendly Printing: CtrlP is committed to green practices. They prioritize eco-friendly printing solutions, making your business not only efficient but also environmentally conscious.

In a nutshell, CtrlP is your dedicated partner in conquering the challenges of printing, making the complex seem simple, and ensuring that your printing experience is as smooth as it can be.

Stay tuned as we explore how CtrlP stands out in the competitive landscape of printing services.

Remember, your perfect printing partner is just a click or call away! Don’t settle for second best, choose CtrlP and be the boss of your printer destiny!

Let CtrlP streamline your print management!

Say goodbye to printer woes and hello to a future where your documents flow effortlessly. Reach out to us now for a consultation and take the first step towards a more productive and streamlined business journey. Your printers will thank you, and so will your bottom line!
Get A Consultation

Maximizing Printer Uptime: Best Practices for IT Professionals https://controlprint.net.in/maximizing-printer-uptime-best-practices-for-it-professionals/ Wed, 22 Nov 2023 11:50:35 +0000 https://controlprint.net.in/?p=3245

For many IT professionals, printers are often the unsung heroes of the office. They churn out documents, reports, and presentations silently and efficiently, keeping the workflow moving.

Indian businesses hustle hard, deadlines dance around chai breaks, and the trusty printer?

Well, it’s the silent hero keeping everyone productive.

But when that hero goes silent, things can get messy.

  • Missed deadlines? Tick.
  • Frustrated employees tapping their feet? Double tick.
  • Considerable cost of printer downtime every hour? Yikes!

This staggering cost of downtime for businesses underscores the vital role printer uptime plays in organizational success.

Think of it as an investment – every minute your printer remains idle is a minute lost in missed deadlines, frustrated employees, and potentially, lost revenue.

When the printer stops working, it messes up work and reduces productivity, affecting how much we get done. It’s like raining on the parade and slowing things down, but don’t stress – we’re here to help!

This blog post will explore the importance of maximizing printer uptime, delve into the impact of downtime on your business, and provide you with best practices to keep your printers running smoothly.

Now that we’ve felt the pulse of the printer downtime dilemma, let’s explore the antidote that promises to banish these issues into the realm of yesterday.

Enter Managed Print Solutions (MPS), the beacon of hope in the sea of printing woes.

As we transition from the chaotic dance of printer malfunctions to the orchestrated symphony of proactive management, you’ll discover how CtrlP MPS emerges as the savior, turning the tide from frustration to smooth productivity.

Buckle up, for the printer revolution is about to unfold.

Ditch the Printer Drama, Embrace the Zen: Understanding Managed Print Solutions

Imagine your printer navigating the complexities of printing like a self-driving car. No wrong turns, no missed paper jams – just smooth, automated operation with CtrlP MPS.

No jammed paper tantrums, no toner cartridge malfunctions – just blissful printing peace.

Sounds like a dream, right?

Well, with Managed Print Solutions (MPS), it’s a reality!

So, what exactly is MPS? Think of it as your personal printer whisperer, a trusted ally who takes care of your entire printing ecosystem.

No more dealing with toner shortages, paper jams, or the dreaded “low toner” alerts.

CtrlP MPS is a comprehensive package that covers everything from hardware and supplies to maintenance and proactive support, all rolled into one neat monthly cost.

But how does this magic translate to maximizing printer uptime, you ask? Let’s break it down:

Expert Analysis: CtrlP tailors a perfect solution by analyzing your printing habits, preventing overspending on toners, and ensuring optimal printer capacity.

Proactive Maintenance: CtrlP provides scheduled check-ups and preventative maintenance, minimizing downtime and maximizing performance.

Automated Supplies: CtrlP automatically replenishes toners, ensuring uninterrupted printing without last-minute supply runs.

Remote Monitoring: Your printers send real-time updates to CtrlP, allowing for proactive issue detection and remote troubleshooting.

Device Optimization: CtrlP recommends and configures the right devices, minimizing waste and energy consumption for maximum efficiency.

In short, CtrlP takes the burden of printer management off your shoulders, freeing you to focus on what you do best – running your business.

It’s a win-win situation: less printer drama, more productivity zen.

So, if you’re tired of battling paper jams and toner tantrums, consider embracing the magic of CtrlP MPS. It’s time to ditch the printer blues and let your documents flow smoothly.

Uninterrupted Efficiency: A Guide to Maximizing Printer Uptime with CtrlP Managed Print Services for IT Team

Managed print solutions play a pivotal role in achieving this goal, ensuring that your printers are running at their optimal performance.

In this blog, we will explore key strategies for IT professionals to maximize printer uptime and enhance overall productivity.

Replace Outdated Printers with Current Generation Models:

Outdated printers can be a bottleneck in your printing ecosystem. Investing in current-generation printers not only improves speed and functionality but also ensures compatibility with modern software and security features.

Regularly assess your printer fleet and upgrade to the latest models to stay ahead of technological advancements.

Checking Load of Printers and Deploying the Right Models:

Understand the printing demands of each department and deploy printers accordingly. Overloading a printer can lead to increased downtime and maintenance costs.

Tailor your printer deployment to match the workload of each area, optimizing efficiency and minimizing the risk of breakdowns.

Keep a Limited Range of Printer Models Across the Organization:

Standardizing your printer models offers several benefits. It streamlines maintenance, simplifies troubleshooting, and reduces the need for diverse cartridge supplies.

Managing 2-3 printer models across the organization makes it easier to control costs, training, and inventory.

Deploying Backup/Standby Printers for Remote Locations:

Remote locations are often more susceptible to extended downtimes due to logistical challenges.

Deploying at least one backup or standby printer ensures that printing can continue even if the primary printer encounters issues. This strategy is especially crucial for maintaining business continuity in remote offices.

Plan Toner Stock Strategically:

Efficient toner management is essential for avoiding sudden printing interruptions. Analyze usage patterns, peak printing cycles, and the specific needs of each location.

Plan your toner stock accordingly to prevent unnecessary downtime caused by running out of essential supplies.

Regular Preventive Maintenance:

Implementing a regular preventive maintenance schedule is a proactive approach to printer management. Conduct routine inspections, cleaning, and updates to identify potential issues before they escalate.

The statistics speak for themselves – printers under a preventive maintenance plan experience significantly fewer breakdowns, leading to increased uptime.

Print Management Software – Features and Benefits:

Invest in a robust print management software to gain better control over your print environment.

This offers features such as job tracking, cost control, and user authentication, contributing to enhanced security and efficient resource allocation.

This software provides valuable insights into printing habits, enabling you to make informed decisions for optimization.

Stock Essential Spare Parts at Remote Locations:

Remote locations may face challenges in obtaining spare parts promptly. To minimize downtime, stock essential spare parts locally.

This ensures that routine maintenance or repairs can be swiftly executed, reducing the impact of printer issues on remote operations.

Maximizing printer uptime requires a strategic and proactive approach.

By following these best practices, IT professionals can create a resilient print infrastructure that supports the organization’s workflow, minimizes downtime, and contributes to overall business success.

Embrace the latest technologies, prioritize preventive maintenance, and leverage print management software to stay ahead in the dynamic world of managed print solutions.


As you navigate the landscape of IT challenges, remember this: maximizing printer uptime isn’t just a technical endeavor; it’s a strategic move that directly impacts your bottom line.

So, embrace the latest technologies, prioritize preventive maintenance, and leverage the power of CtrlP Managed Print Solutions to stay ahead in the dynamic world of business.

From expert analysis to proactive maintenance, automated supplies to device optimization, CtrlP MPS is the comprehensive solution that transforms the tedious task of printer fleet management into a seamless and efficient process.

Let CtrlP streamline your print management.

Say goodbye to printer woes and hello to a future where your documents flow effortlessly.
Reach out to us now for a consultation and take the first step towards a more productive and streamlined business journey.
Your printers will thank you, and so will your bottom line!
Get A Consultation

Factors Affecting Your Enterprise Print Management and How to Fix Them https://controlprint.net.in/marketing-tips-and-tricks-for-your-website/ Sun, 24 Sep 2023 00:00:01 +0000 https://controlprint.net.in/?p=420 Problems with printing can go beyond common annoyances like paper jams and delayed print processes.

Inefficient enterprise print management can result in a loss of time and productivity in the IT department, a lack of focus on critical functions, a lack of proper equipment maintenance, an increase in overall printing costs, and greater stress for enterprises.


Here’s the summary of Factors Affecting Enterprise Print Management:

  1. Employees from working for a vendor who bills them out based on the number of pages printed in a month.
  2. Businesses need to invest in technology to improve efficiency and reduce risk according to the report but a more reliable and efficient MPS provider.
  3. According to International Data Corporation (IDC), a company’s IT staff typically spends 15% of their time on printing issues. 
  4. Printer problems like the printer being unresponsive, the printer won’t print, too many paper jams, printing too slowly, etc, all have a substantial impact on staff effectiveness and overall company operations efficiency.
  5. It is very important to gauge whether your existing MPS provider is providing value in terms of ROI, and improvements for print efficiency & cost.
  6. When it comes to the level of service you deliver to your clients, the printers you use are important. It also has an impact on your company’s overall revenue. 
  7. Factors like document and device security, monitor usage, central administration, maximizing uptime and availability, etc. are equally important for your enterprise print management.
  8. And according to Keypoint Intelligence, 90% of companies fail to track their printing costs.

Let us understand the factors affecting your enterprise print management and how to fix them.

a. Vendor Employee Leakages:

When a vendor and an employee team up to make money for themselves, it costs the company a lot of money. Consider the following scenario.

Essentially, page counts in MPS are evidence of the number of pages printed by the organization. The vendor raises the page count with the help of an employee. As a result, there is an excess of billing.

The vendor will provide you with the invoices for any cartridges that have not been delivered. This has an impact on the vendor’s service quality as well.

Because he has the support of a company employee, the vendor is not concerned about providing good service and high-quality prints.

So, the question arises is “How to solve this problem?”

  • You’ll need to implement tight anti-corruption policies.

Communicate to employees and vendors that our company is a “Zero Tolerance Company” when it comes to bribery and corruption.

b. Selection of MPS Vendor:

Many businesses that have switched to the new MPS system have done so without fully comprehending the concept. 

Their sole objective is to reduce costs, which is sadly a short-term gain that will never provide long-term meaningful benefits. 

​​Your print service supplier should be able to assist you to flourish by proactively offering solutions, enhancements, and services. Let us understand the various characteristics of high-performing MPS providers.

c. Loss of time and productivity in the IT department:

An IT department is composed of many skilled professionals, so it’s not the best use of their time to analyze printing equipment.

IT departments are typically made up of many skilled professionals and they have better things to do with their time than analyzing printers.

When they are working on these tasks, it means they are not working on improving your networks or bolstering your cybersecurity or other critical IT functions. 

A managed print solution can keep your print fleet running smoothly with service and supply without jeopardizing the productive workflow of your team.

They will create a custom-tailored program specifically geared toward helping you reach your goals, ultimately streamlining your operations, and boosting productivity.

d. Proper Equipment Maintenance:

It’s important to your operation to have functioning tools and equipment

Stopping to fix something takes away from the resources you need to stay on task and keep productive.

Printer problems like the printer is unresponsive, the printer won’t print, too many paper jams, printing too slowly, etc, all have a substantial impact on staff effectiveness and overall company operations efficiency. 

There is a cost associated with downtime when a printer is down for maintenance or a part needs to be replaced.

Part replacement, repair, and preventive maintenance are all things that an MPS supplier should undertake to improve printer performance and reduce downtime. 

The longer the outage lasts, the higher the cost of lost operation time.

e. Service Provided by your Existing MPS Vendor

Even if you’re happy with your existing MPS vendor, be aware of whether they provide the greatest overall value (not just the lowest price). 

Every organization should also determine whether the current vendor is best suited to meet your specific printing requirements and provide overall value.

One of the simplest means of doing an audit of your existing vendor is first, to get a list of your top 10 or top 20 printers which are being printed more and more.

Make a list of that printer in an excel sheet with the model number, serial number, and the number of pages printed for the preceding month. 

Compare your data with that of the MPS provider at the end of the month and you will come to know the real picture.

f. Quality of your printers used in the company

Old and obsolete devices are a huge waste of time and money due to paper jams, error messages, running out of ink, and outright malfunctions.

Consider how much time you spend dealing with malfunctioning hardware, waiting for repairs, and ordering replacements and supplies.

There are two types of printers. Original box pack printers and refurbished printers. Refurbished printers are end-of-life printers that are again brought back to life by trying to change some key parts. 

The initial cost of deploying the original box pack printer may be greater, however, the benefits are available.

It becomes pretty challenging when these refurbished printers are deployed at remote locations. 

Now, let us understand the challenges when we use these refurbished printers. 

  • Escalated calls
  • Frequent requests for printer replacement
  • Delay in work 
  • Loss of time as well as productivity

Therefore, it is advisable to deploy an original box pack printer. 

The initial cost of deploying the original box pack printer may be greater, but the other benefits make it worth the investment.

Keep these points in mind the next time you deploy a printer and request the original box pack printer from your vendor for your MPS needs.

g. Print Management Software:

Factors like document and device security, monitoring usage, central administration, maximizing uptime and availability, etc. are equally important for your enterprise print management. 

Unmanaged printing expenses can add up to between 1-3% of an organization’s total revenue.

Print management software, on the other hand, is the finest approach to keeping track of your printing environment. 

The print management software integrates easily with your work environment and offers numerous advantages.

h. Management Cost of Your Color Prints:

If you are using a refurbished color printer, the per-page cost of printing will be in the range of Rs. 4 to Rs. 5. And if you are printing from an original cartridge, the per-page cost of printing will be in the range of Rs. 8 to Rs. 10.  

If you are using a Laser printer, your printing cost can be thrice as expensive as black-and-white ones. 

A document is deemed to be a color copy even if only one word or logo is colored. Regularly reviewing these reports can reveal cost-cutting opportunities.

Figure out what printer you are going to deploy and set rules for who will get access to these printers. 

It can be a department, a selected person, a project, etc. This way you will be able to reduce the printing cost considerably. 

Make sure your printer’s default settings are set to black and white to avoid needless color printing. 

A Managed Print Service can conduct quarterly audits of your printing habits and make recommendations for reducing unneeded color copies.

Now, if you want to buy a color printer then ask your team, whether you really need a color printer. 

If the answer is yes, figure out what number of prints you would require on a monthly and weekly basis. Accordingly, you may decide about the specifications of buying the color printer. 

The next question should be, can the color printing be managed on an inkjet printer instead of a laser printer?


If the answer is yes, there are some very good Epson Inkjet Printers or Ink Tank printers available where the cost is lower and the quality of printing will be at par with that of the laser printers. 

Inkjet printers are a modern marvel that is able to print high-quality printing. The ink supply is healthy, so your printing costs will go down and you’ll save money!

Apart from the benefit of cost savings, productivity, security, and environmental benefits, the solution frees up a significant amount of time for IT employees to focus on proactively upgrading their IT infrastructure and identifying methods to make IT offer value to the company.

Once you start compiling data from these many sources, you’ll see how wasteful printing habits and outdated equipment have a detrimental impact on overall organizational revenue. 

Requesting a free evaluation from a Managed Print supplier is one of the best and most accurate ways to calculate your total print costs.


Managed Print Services Versus Cost Per Copy: There Is a Difference https://controlprint.net.in/how-to-write-stunning-blog-post-titles/ Sat, 23 Sep 2023 23:58:43 +0000 https://controlprint.net.in/?p=418

Cost per Page:

Most larger operation companies do maintenance agreement with their vendors who provide printing services to them. 

The concept of Cost Per Page (CPC) is a part of this maintenance agreement. It says that the company will have to pay only for the pages they use and the vendors will take care of the printers and this service does include the cost of spare parts and cartridges.

CPC provides an estimate of monthly print volume and after studying various parameters of the company shall provide the right equipment. 

However, it does not provide a plan to streamline the cost of printing or optimizing the usage of the printers, whereas, Managed Print Services (MPS) provides a comprehensive strategy for the same.

CPC will charge a monthly fees for the decided print quantity and number of prints going above the agreed amount shall be charged separately.

For example, you could contract for 7,000 pages of black and white at .50 paisa per page and 4,000 pages for color at ₹5/- per page per month. Should you print over those contracted amounts, similar rates will then apply.

Managed Print Services:

Unlike CPC, Managed Print Services (MPS) provides a comprehensive strategy to optimize the usage of the printers, aids in reduction of costs in terms of time and money, management of the printers becomes hassle free. 

This is possible by keeping proper track of the toner and other resources applied, provides automated replacement, regular maintenance of all the devices. 

All the activities of maintenance are recorded to bring all the facts and figures and hidden problems to surface and management can further dig into the problems identified and can be solved in a way that it will never rise again to incur the time and cost to the company.


The management of the company shall be provided reports of the performance of the equipment at regular intervals so that they can be updated with the usage of the prints in the office. 

As we know that improvement is a never ending cycle, reviewing these advance reports shall give a detailed understanding of the wastes involved or eliminated, reduction of costs and bring changes for further improvement.

By getting the reports at regular intervals and all the improvement opportunities on surface, the top management will be able to take informed decision for the betterment of the company and all their locations. 

Managed Print Service creates a culture of regular maintenance which shall aid in avoiding arising of the problems or say incurring unwanted costs. For this they have:

  1.       Monthly management of the printers. 
  2.       They are one point contact for repair and service needs.
  3.       Automated Toner Replacement
  4.       Regular data collection and reporting of the usage
  5.       Location wise data collection and reporting of the prints.

MPS is an ascendible model which can be scaled depending on the increase of decrease of the complexity and print requirements of the company. 

Reducing the number of print devices to be more environmentally sustainable. 

Distributing devices strategically according to the needs of people in each building throughout the campus. Providing more backup options if a printer goes down.

Service Call History:

Data of the service calls made is also recorded for improvement purposes as these recordings of data can identify common issues, as well as any major device or user concerns, problems can be resolved which is hampering the device without wasting any time on it.

Also, employees can be trained on the matter to make sure the problem doesn’t arise again. Therefore, ensuring reduced or lesser downtime of the machines. 

Before implementing an MPS program, the vendor does the whole assessment of the present system and history in terms of the size of the company, number of employees, number of printers and prints taken, etc.

The company is provided with a detailed report on the history of costs, purchases, and supplies incurred by the company so that the management can compare the before and after costs incurred. Most organizations have realized a steep decrease in costs after implementing the MPS Program.

Supply Order History: 

A history report of your supply purchases allows you to compare these costs against your previous expenses before beginning your MPS program.

Most organizations realize signifcant cost-savings at their business review.

Device Use Report:

Depending upon the goals of the company, a device report is generated which will provide the usage and user information like:

1. Total number of pages

2. A total number of black and white prints and color printouts.

3. The Total number of single or duplex pages.

4. Number of scanned pages.

The companies those who have opted for CPC did a good job by outsourcing the things in which we are not proficient in. But to make the process much more easier for the employees and save time, money and efforts and considering the above mentioned benefits, we strongly recommend to opt for MPS Program.

Why are the Original Toner Cartridges so expensive? https://controlprint.net.in/techniques-to-reduce-facebook-ads-spend/ Wed, 23 Aug 2023 23:56:57 +0000 https://controlprint.net.in/?p=416

Today in this video we’re talking about why the original toner cartridges are so expensive.

Let’s start from the beginning. What do you mean by  Original Laser Toner Cartridges?

Original printer Toner Cartridges are cartridges manufactured by the printer manufacturers themselves.

Long time ago the OEM printer manufacturers understood that their maximum profits on a going base would come from the successful sale of their own cartridges of their printers. Now they sell their printers at cheaper prices, often making low or even no profit margin.

Why are they acting this way? Simply because their maximum long-term profits come from the sale of their own original expensive cartridges. So ends the mystery of the high cost of the original cartridges.

Yes, we must say that the original cartridges set standards for quality, yielded pages, and for consistency. But that doesn’t and can’t justify the high price of the original cartridges. 

For example, let’s talk about the cost per print. A cartridge or an ongoing running model of cartridge prints approximately 3000 pages: that means about 3600 as per estimated market price. The cost per print is about Rs 1,25/-.

 What does it mean? Well, that means that this cost is about 3 times more expensive than an Indian-made compatible cartridge.

And more: 60% of their profits comes not from the sale of the printers, but from the sale of  their original cartridges.

But when you buy an original cartridge, keep in mind that the printer manufacturers use a lot of bully strategies like building chip on their cartridges, by using their warranty to sale their expensive cartridges, having a lot of restrictions on third party compatible cartridges; in this way they can sale their expensive cartridges more easily. 

The choice is very clear:  that the Indian made compatible cartridge is as good as the original one today. As compared to an original cartridge, the Indian made compatible one is the right choice. 

Choose the Best Printer for your Business https://controlprint.net.in/5-expert-tips-to-get-more-engagement-on-instagram/ Sun, 23 Jul 2023 23:55:22 +0000 https://controlprint.net.in/?p=414

Today in this blog we’re trying to find out which is the best printer for any organization.

When you have to choose the ideal printer for your organization, you will have to deal with a difficult choice. You’ll have to find a printer that fixes all your needs.

You will have to find out first the amount of printing you need, but also the kinds of prints you require, so what is better a mono printer or a colour printer? 

Do you need colour printing? But which kind of colour? Do you require a high DPI printing or a faster colour printing?

And more, if you prefer a mono printer, don’t forget to take into account that also the speed of the printing process is important!


Your choice depends on the combinations of all those factors, adding also how hard you’re going to make your printer work.

There are 3 basic broad categories in Printers.

  • Inkjet Printers
  • LaserJet Printer 
  • Colour LaserJet Printer

The Inkjet printer is the most widely available printer today. Why?

Why? First, Because it’s the cheapest to buy; and second, because it’s ideal for small /very small offices and home segments. It can print colour as well as mono documents.

The cartridges are definitely very expensive in comparison with  any other printers.

The cost per page is definitely very high in comparison with any other printers.

And it also does not have longer life in comparison with your laser printers.

This printer is ideally good for low volume printing , it’s good for low colour printing, it’s good for smaller setups.

The 2nd model is the Laser printer. 

A laser printer is a good choice. It’s suitable for smaller offices, it’s great for supporting small to large people at the office.

It’s good for small, medium and also large volume printing. Also, for heavy volume, even for very heavy volume printing.

The cost per print is very cheap in comparison with the inkjet printe It’s also easier to maintain and it has a longer life than an inkjet printer.

The 3rd  category is the Colour LaserJet Printer.

This printer to this day is the most expensive printer in terms of cost per page. It costs per page nearly 8 to 10 times more than a mono laser printer. 

Of course, it’s good where colour printing is required, and also where very good colour printing is required at a good speed. And lastly, the Colour laser printer has to be restricted to specific users only for specific printing.

In conclusion, organizations might opt for the colour LaserJet printer or a combination of Inkjet Printer and LaserJet printer when they need to have colour printing. 

Challenges in the Laser Toner Cartridge Industry https://controlprint.net.in/how-to-keep-your-business-visible-during-crisis/ Fri, 23 Jun 2023 23:54:41 +0000 https://controlprint.net.in/?p=412

There are many challenges in the laser toner cartridge industry. The quality and yield of the cartridge are the biggest of them. 

The industry faces these challenges because of lack of the knowledge, technical know how and proper understanding of these cartridges. Importers really have to less or no knowledge about the technicalities of these cartridges. 

Their only interest is to make money by getting cartridges at cheaper rates and selling them in India at a  reasonable price, where their margin is really high. Off course, who would not like to buy stuff at lower prices and make more money. 

The importers of these cartridges sources them from China which are not only cheaper in prices but also cheap in quality. 

Without having proper knowledge and understanding, these cartridges are just imported at cheaper rates and are sold at good prices. This is the only criteria of their business.

If the quality and yield of the Indian Made Compatible Cartridge and Cheap Chinese Cartridge are compared, one will understand that the later ones gives much lower quality and yield as compared to the formers one.

For example, a 12A Indian Made Compatible Cartridge gives yield of 2400 pages with a coverage of 5% of the paper and have 140 Gms of toner powder.

But a cheap Chinese compatible cartridge only has 100 – 80 Gms of the toner powder.

With this system, the entire industry is getting corrupted starting from Vendor to the clients.  

Both Indian clients and vendors, really need to understand what are Indian Made Compatible Cartridge and what are the benefits of buying and using them. Using Indian Made Compatible Cartridge not only benefits themselves but also helps nation grow.

This is because, the Indian Made Compatible Cartridges are made here in India, by smaller businesses.

These cartridges are made from best components which are sourced globally. The cartridges are fully tested by the factory and have the same quality as those of the original cartridges, in terms of printed pages and consistency. Buying these cartridges you will support smaller local business, communities and it will generate a local employment.

Some of the other benefits an Indian Made Compatible Cartridge are as under:

  1. The manufacturer will employ from 100 to 200 local people skilled and semi-skilled.
  2. When you buy cartridges locally made, you invest your money in the local community. Those businesses are smaller businesses, run by people just like you and me.
  3. Smaller local businesses have a smaller carbon footprint and hence can help in protecting the environment.
  4. Local business owners are your neighbors and by purchasing from them you help your local people or your neighbors grow. Local people do care about the money invested in the well-being of the community and its future.

Isn’t it better to invest in those people who care about us and our growth? Off course, Right?

They care for their customers and quality better than larger corporations do. And we recently saw that unlike the smaller business who are holding their people, larger corporations are retrenching their people.

When you support the smaller business, you support local economy, and the money stays in the local communities.

If you have any idea or any questions, you may write to us on care@controlprint.in. We will be glad to help you.

Why Small and Medium Organisations Should Buy their Own Printers? https://controlprint.net.in/how-to-build-your-first-content-marketing-strategy/ Sat, 06 May 2023 12:22:15 +0000 https://controlprint.net.in/?p=1

There are many vendors who would come to your office giving you proposals for deploying their printers and shall ask you to buy their own cartridges at a fixed price. 

In this case, you are tied with those vendors who are selling you cheap Chinese cartridges or any other brand which he is proposing.

The question that arises is, how those vendors are going to recover their cost of assets deployed at your place. 

When you buy your printer with or without a cartridge, it might seem to be cheaper to you at that moment but later it will create a hole in your pocket. Because when you will need and buy a new cartridge, the vendor will higher the price of that cartridge to recover the cost of the printer which he had sold you earlier.

It is obvious that their cost will get recovered from the cartridges they sell you. That means, as a customer you are paying extra money to help him recover his extra cost.

Let us discuss another scenario where a company is having 10 to 50 employees and is located at one or two locations.  The best thing for this medium-scale company is to buy its own brand or own type of printer.

When you are buying your brand of printers:

  1. You will be able to claim depreciation.
  2. You will be able to buy cartridges at an acceptable cost. 
  3. You will not pay any extra cost for recovering the extra cost of the vendors. 
  4. You have a chance to buy Indian Made Compatible Cartridges.
  5. Which creates jobs in India 
  6. Supports local business/ economy
  7. You will be able to buy printers may be at a little extra cost but he will support you with other spare parts free of cost.

When you will buy your own brand of Printer, you will be able to buy own brand of cartridge too. There are three benefits in buy buying own brand of cartridge. They are:

  1. Owning a brand of cartridge will give you the same quality and yield. The cartridge which we have selected for our own brand is manufactured in the same careful way as the original cartridge manufacturers.
  2. Own brand of the cartridge is affordable. The cartridge consists of parts such as a plastic casing, chip, and toner powder. These parts are reused and refilled they are sold cheaper. On the other hand, the original cartridge is partially filled because of which they do not last long and you will have to change them again and again.
  3. Own brand of cartridges is fully factory tested. Although these cartridges come from different manufacturers, they are fully factory-tested, have complete refilling as per the requirement, and work in the same way as the original one.

Hope this blog will help you with taking an informed decision and just get your asset maintained by the vendor. 

If you have any idea or any questions, you may write to us on care@controlprint.in. We will be glad to help you.
